Photo credit: Baby’s Popo
Grandparents are like angels sent from above to help struggling, new parents.
My parents and my partner’s parents are wonderful. They bring food, help out with the baby and are overall, amazing.
It’s such a blessing to not only have these cool people as our family but as the doting grandparents to our baby.
The cool part is, they do it all effortlessly. Each pair of parents has raised three children; one little baby ain’t no thang. Except that thang is the most precious little thing to them (one of the precious little things if there are more grandchildren).
All these sweet things must be remembered when the grandparents are schooling the new parents, which they often do. In the beginning, it was overwhelming.
But in time, I reverted to my mantra when dealing with difficult family situations, it all comes from love.
By that I mean, that when your mom is bugging you to put a coat on and you’re so self-assured in your ability to appropriately dress yourself, just remember, she’s loves you and doesn’t want you to catch a cold. Even though that’s not how you actually catch a cold…
I hope my baby will see that us, his loving, awesome, do-anything-for-him parents only scold him in his future video game time (okay that’s all mom), curfew (there will be one), & approach to school (straight A’s, son) all come from love.