This is for you, ST.
Tried Kobe Sake in Millbrae because our 9:30 p.m. res at Amami wasn’t ready for another thirty.
So we like try Kobe.
A wonderful surprise with local flavor, brah.
First (& importantly), they have a sense a humor.

The BIG ASS BENTO is their four item bento. Naturally, we get tempura, tonkatsu, sashimi, & teriyaki salmon.
Dynamite roll was aptly named. Saucy. My last bite dropped in the sauce & it was not a bad thing.
All the while, baby was cruising in his seat, like yeah, Mr. Bob (his in seat entertainment), you have a rattle.
Just when you’re not sure if all those rattles & clicky clack toys are worth it, they are. It’s a small price to pay for a peaceful meal. Man, this is a chill kid.