This is my son. He drools aloha. See the splattering of islands on his shirt? That’s love.
Aloha Friday brought a wonderful night with Melly where we Marnee Thai-ed.
Coconut hot cakes for the win! As Melly pointed out, there are dessert like. Sweet. I like these quite a bit. Lots of textures in a little thing.
The duck salad I found to be a touch too salty. I do love my duck so no quacks about it!
Our noodle choice was like a mix between a crab meat dish & pad thai. #47. Yeah, that’s what it’s called.
A baby feeding intermission & along we went to Swich. It has been a minute (or more) since we were here.
Potted cream for me; banana cream pie for Melly. An unimpressive picture as baby was quite squirmy.
A late night snack of Eagle Cafe’s crab bisque & boudin’s bread with a healthy slab of butter. Crab was the word for tonight, unintentionally.
This morning, we kept with the San Franciscan bread with a little chicken meatball sub. We love our sour, doe. Get it?!
None for baby, of course. He is yet to have teeth. Or tooth.
Now that our bellies are relatively full, we have energy to embark on our weekend’s adventures!
Fingers crossed for a smooth Apollo’s landing this weekend!
Sending love to Ashy & her lovely family. I miss you all so much.