Baby has cleared the 16 pound mark!
We think.
First time baby “steps onto” the scale himself.
Demonstrating a 15.8 weightage. But when mom or dad hold him, he’s 16.4-16.6 pounds. Sounds like baby Michelin is a heavy hitter.
This is how I pre-game before breakfast.
What you don’t see is the salami. Very important detail.
Baby is growing like a weed probably because I’m practically a pro eater. Dim sum yesterday and today.
Here are today’s highlights:
IGS’ mascot: the rice noodle on Chinese donut. Yaaas.
Beef tripe has been my anthem lately. I wanted organs but we settled for this.
The finisher at Hong Kong dim sum restaurant on Noreiga is the sticky rice in bamboo. Obviously these kind of serving tactics get us all excited.
Admittedly I had a bit of a rocky late afternoon probably due to a clash of hormones and hangriness. Luckily, HB let me nap sans baby (!) & I recovered.
This beef dish with kalbi sauce was a superior pick me up.
Things taste good when eating out of course but nothing compared to a meal at home with all your boys.
Plus you can eat in your pajamas. Who doesn’t like that?