New mom stuff

Nervous Nelly

Baby is five months today! As such, it is the official start of the solid food eating era. 

As I write, baby is having his usual course a la breastmilk. Afterwards, I will pump some milk to have it mixed with his organic baby oatmeal. 

He had already had his vitamin d supplement & diaper changed pre-feeding, so that’s taken care of. 

I am a tad bit nervous because today begins what I hope will be an enjoyable and healthy relationship with food for my son. Don’t let the baby smell the nervous on you, mom!

A quote that sticks with me:

The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. 

I read that somewhere & can’t remember the author. But this means everything. 

I want quite badly to be the mother that cares, nurtures & give my child healthy doses of whatever he needs without making it too easy for him so he will be independent & self-sufficient. 

Oh no, I am a crazy mommy. No, no be kind to yourself. I must regulate the inner dialogue. 

Another thing I read:

The way you talk to your children will become their inner voice. 

Maybe I read too much stuff that ascribes too much value on the minute actions of parenthood. 

I am a big picture person afterall. Time for the kiddo for his first few real “bites!” 

Wish us luck!
