The little things

Rise & shine

Today baby woke up like a little ball of energy. Ever curious, he is a super crawler now. 

I too am super. I ate at Lam’s last night twice. Once for take out of roast duck, salt & pepper spareribs, & veg.  

Long lines for the BBQ as usual. Some home steak too. That dark patch on the lower right. All tasty. Baby likes duck. 

After dinner, uncle Gordy called me up to eat so eat we did. Where did he want to go? Lam’s.  

This time I had my steamed rice noodles with fancy & shredded pork. Fried egg roll. Yay!

Eggsy was at home, stirring trouble with dad. I walked in & his little face popped up, beaming.  

The day prior, we went to our new favorite place, the botanical gardens. I got lost in the California natives. After finding one of the twelve pianos for their special installment, baby looked longingly at the ivories.  

All on threes. Baby plays his piano at home often. He can’t wait for grandma to teach him!

After managing to find the exit, we visit La Boulange in the Sunset. So sad that all locations are closing. Shame on you Starbucks.  

A little veggie tart for a snack. Baby had some of the soft zucchini. I love this cafe dearly. September is their last month. 

After a brisk walk home, we have dinner with Guang Guang. He picks Jade Garden in the Outer Richmond.  

 We have grandpa’s fried rice, string beans & eggplant. Baby has winter melon, carrots & rice for dinner.  

We visit the beach & grandpa looks over the haze. Our beautiful world, covered in fog & mist. 

Sometimes you forget what is right before you, if you don’t really look. Time to enjoy the here & now! 
