I love motherhood. Outside Lands music festival is happening at Golden Gate Park & I can hear Sam Smith singing to his enthusiastic crowd.
Every year we go to OSL but this year we hang back with baby. The most highly attended OSL yet, our streets (& parking) are flooded with concert goers.
I quite enjoy & am amused by this shift in priorities. I love live music. I do not love shoulder to shoulder crowds, people pushing & bringing my child to an environment where he will be exposed to things he should not be.
Last year, we went for one day while I was pregnant & I was very alert to keep from being bumped (on my bump). I do miss the food at OSL & experiencing the evolution that is Bay Area music festivaling.
One day when Eggsy is bigger, perhaps we can bring him to enjoy some jams. For now, he naps sweetly while bands play on outside his window.