My little darling

Puppy days

Eggsy is growing at an alarming rate. He is crawling everywhere. Getting into everything. It is fun, seeing his bemusement. 

I learned this morning that breast milk changes daily based on the needs of baby. How exceptional are our bodies? Baby’s body communicates with mine to determine what pathogens exist so I can prepare the right antibodies for his defense. Completely & utterly miraculous. 

I’m in love, naturally. Our biology makes our bond undeniable. I feel I exist to be his mother.  

Enjoying our new hiking pack. We took baby to Land’s End for his first hike in the pack. He loved it. There was also an ice cream truck so we rewarded him (& I) with a chocolate cone. He had three licks (mostly went on his face).

Many more adventures ahead. Things aren’t perfect, but life is pretty good. It’s a perspective thing, after all. 

I came up with a mantra when things didn’t go our way recently with a housing issue: 

The best is yet to come. 

That’s a nice note to leave on. 
