Achy Breaky


They weren’t kidding when they said it takes a village. 

Baby is throwing us another curve ball. Two little emerging bottom teeth are threatening their appearance & it has made him a drooly, crazed wee one. 

He is darling through this. But he has also developed hobbies such as biting & hair pulling. He certainly does not fight clean. 

I am pooling resources, taking helpful family’s assistance when available & cherishing the sisterhood of motherhood. I have mommy friends, mommy groups & excellent girlfriends. Friends that are boys too. 

I am still so tired. Perhaps slightly overwhelmed. Handling moderately okay. I do not think stay at home is the easier route to take. 

I compare notes with my working mommy friend & see she does not have (an) easy job(s), by far. Perhaps that is the nature of the (baby) beast. Using a lot of ( ) because baby is pulling on my hair & I cannot proofreading correctly. Maybe the parentheses will make things make sense. 

Tonight I had a hard time being “away” from baby for a second, to throw his dirty baby wipe in the trash. I took off my makeup with a baby wipe because he would not afford me a moment for me to do this in the bathroom. Le sigh. 

Everything is slightly moist & a little bit dirty. I do a lot of laundry. It feels like I wash dishes & take out trash for a living. 

Tina Fey on having a child:

“I am so tired. I am SO HAPPY.”

Samsies, Tina. I always knew you & I were soul sisters. 
