Achy Breaky


The day before yesterday was a hard day. It was Popo’s three year death anniversary. 

I felt a strange aura. We visited Popo & brought baby to meet his great grandmother. We let her know that he is a silly, happy, healthy little boy. She smiled upon us. 

It was also HB’s uncle’s funeral yesterday. May his soul rest in paradise evermore. 

Amid exciting news for our other loved ones, I think of Popo often & sense she is resting peacefully. I see her in dreams often.  

We are taking care of Guang Guang for you Popo. Don’t worry, he is feisty as ever. 

In the connected universe, I know you did meet baby before he arrived. Perhaps you are with a future child who has not yet made his or her presence known to us yet. In that thought, I am soothed. 
