I’ve used this phrase for years with sort of a half held breath. I didn’t really buy it. I wanted to.
Tonight I’m more of a believer. Today at my niece’s surprise IEP, some good things happened. I thought it was just a parent/teacher conference but it was the annual Individualized Education Plan. It’s a big deal.
Miss May is making good strides (literally) with her physical therapy. Speech therapy is making good progress too. We’ve been struggling lately with her homework with both comprehension & completion. A language barrier at home makes translation difficult. I was ready to raise some (polite) hell today to make sure we made some changes to make sure this kid is best positioned for success. Now I feel like we’re taking steps in the right direction.
We’ve elected to keep May in general education with specialized services. She’ll get help with homework in the afternoon program & work on foundational knowledge at home.
All I know is that this girl is going to move mountains (& college).