

I learned the phonetic alphabet tonight. I’m feeling quite accomplished. We had to enter our pile of huggies & pampers codes (finally). We can almost get one magazine subscription with our points. 

We tried Kazu sushi the other night & discovered that though they have good tasting & inventive rolls, their cleanliness standard is appalling. (Cockroach sighting. I know; sad face.) 

Anyhoo, I digress. The unagi/cream cheese combo roll (above) was pretty good. I could stand a little more cream cheese. 

  The spicy scallop roll with green bean tempura was similarly quite good. I like my tempura piping hot if can. This wasn’t but the slimy scallop made up for it. 
 Grilled lamb so succulent. Baby watched as mama bear mauled its prey. Shameless.  

 The spicy salmon soup was great for the babe. He ate an astonishing  amount of fish & tofu.  

 Ah, the crown jewel. Again at Hometown Creamery where dessert is served with a smile. Here is my tea tyme: earl grey & lavender. So fragrant & reminiscent of Mui. 

Boy, life is great especially with so many treats of the edible kind. I’m feeling like I could do a detox to appreciate everything just a little bit more. Nah, who are we kidding!
