

We’ve been exploring again. IKEA trip with the family. Meatballs & ribs for all. 

We finish up in Bay Street to discover there’s Buckhorn Grill as a stand alone eatery here. 

My Roadhouse salad is astonishingly large. I’m quite pleased. Enough fried shoestring onions for a week. Or in our case, a meal. 

Mikey’s char grilled tri tip was good but not bloody enough for my liking.  

 More onions, of course.  

 Mom’s the winner again. My mom, not Eggsy’s mom. She goes with the pulled pork platter & gets the most variety of food. Mashies are perfect for the little tot. Potato eats potato; fitting. 

  Sleepyhead over here is nestled in a snake. Thank goodness for kind, soft reptiles. 
Never a dull moment when you’re hungry like an ox & your baby eventually will succumb to a nap. Amazing despite how much they sleep, how little you get done. 
