
Too hot to trot

Ever ambitious, I was so tempted by Oriental Kitchen’s atomic challenge. Good thing I reeled back because one piece of the second tier Maui Volcano roll had me hurtin’. 

The roll consisted of spicy tuna & pineapple. Nothing too strange there. The Maui volcano sauce is the doozy.  That mess is hot (for me). 

Conquerors of the 4 levels of heat get their picture on the wall. I don’t know why I thought I could do this. Luckily, I thought long & hard…opting against it. Supposedly, many a brave soul had tried it & only a few made it. 

Other than the humbling sushi experience, the other offerings at OK were tasty & not at all painful. A good refuge from the busy world outside. Hopefully Cordy enjoyed it too. 

Another gem from the day is this sweet little Rosemary tree that is now my mom’s little Christmas tree.  

 TJs sure know how to please. Not only are you a delightful herb, you are also a holiday decoration. You do so much more than you need to, little tree. 

We’re so lucky to spend time with people that are dear to us. Now, what’s for breakfast? 
