The big deal

Just like mom

Another fine celebration with them fine Fungs. Delicious food & delightful friends. 

Mom sends me a picture of me and bae. It has a startling similarity to a picture I took of her & Eggsy not too long ago. 

The same gaze. The same embrace.  Same love. 

I’d be lying if I said my mom wasn’t one of my best friends. She’s really the best. 

To share in this journey of motherhood with her is simply amazing. She does with ease what I struggle to do (changing a poopy diaper on your lap is not easy feat). She loves easily, effortlessly & fully. 

Some people bemoan getting older & sharing similarities to their parents. If I could emulate my mother more, I’d be in a good place. 

Babies. They are magic. Nothing like a challenge to help you rise to the occasion. Turns out, stretching yourself can be pretty fun, tiring & always worthwhile.  

 Thanks mom for being my baby’s Popo. My Popo was my second mom. Popo would always tell everyone that I called her mom. She was so proud of that. The generational grace of mothers & grandmothers must be one of the best treasures of this life. 

Heading toward Thanksgiving (baby’s first!), I’m feeling joyous thankful for my mom. How much you’ve shaped me, I couldn’t adequately express. How much you’ve already helped baby, I couldn’t thank you enough. Here’s to trying though. 
