Achy Breaky


A poor turn of events has led our little family in sickville. Baby is slightly feverish. This is not ideal timing for his first birthday & party. 

Gotta rest up! He is doing so laying across my torso. 

Thanksgiving was a hoot! We had such a good time, drinking a bit & eating so much. I proudly was the last one at the table finishing off the green beans myself. 

I proposed to my family a pre & post Thanksgiving weigh in for a prize for the highest delta. They were not as enthused. 

Please baby feel better soon. A revolutionary idea is for there to be family appointments with the doc. Mom, dad & kid all show up & all get seen. How else are families supposed to keep themselves healthy? 

Rest this weekend; party the next. Fingers crossed for good weather & a healthy birthday boy.  

Little bear is under the weather.
