The big deal

Whirlwind one 

What a crazy year it’s been. It’s still crazy. 

Doctor’s visit today. Baby has the best pediatrician. We are lucky to have access to good healthcare. I wish this for all children. 

Turns out baby is fighting a viral infection like a champ. No secondary illnesses. Got his vaccines, flu shot & blood work done today too. 

He cried once after the second shot & didn’t even flinch for getting his blood drawn from his arm for the first time. 

I’m really proud of this kid. From the breastmilk that first nourished him to the new chapter of year one. 

He eats good, sleeps alright & always has cute on fleek. (I think I used that term right.)

It certainly takes a village to raise a wee one. My village is strong. I’m so amazed by all the tireless family & friends that do big & little things to support the growth & well being of this child. 

Now that he’s bigger, I’m feeling stronger too. So much so that I feel like I have some reserve to invest in causes that affect our community. Let’s see what kind of trouble I can get myself into. 

What’s life, but a little bit of trouble, hard work & good fun? 

Happy birthday dear one!
