New mom stuff

Growth spurt

Abound with opportunity to grow. Today was such an opportunity when family politics allowed a chance to reflect on short & long term goals. 

Certainly we cannot control the actions & thoughts of anyone but ourselves. I felt overwhelmed, assaulted & vulnerable. Only for a moment though. Some time has passed & I feel like I’m afforded a chance to learn. 

Some choose to have a view of world versus them, no matter the bounty of blessings before them. Much of what happens seems to or should warrant sympathy. 

Eggsy has taught me a lot. There is much to cherish now. Fleeting negativity passes through. I briefly wonder what others think of my choices. Just as I would not know the reasons for another’s trajectory, I cannot expect others to know or understand this of mine. 

I’m preparing to be resolute in the new year: mindfulness, restoration & authenticity of self. 

This little guy deserves his mom to be on her A game.  

