The little things


I can’t sleep. Apparently, I haven’t slept (well) in over a year. A foot in the face, his small now-toddler body edging me off the bed, his incessant nursing (my fault, admittedly)…

But! A fond 5am realization!

This kid is my BAE!

In this whole world, filled with so many people I adore & love. He is one that comes before any other. 

Sometimes I love a dish or a meal a lot. But even above delicious food, I love him. 

Guess missing a little shut eye is worth it. 

Plus, he is growing at a (normal but) alarming rate. His head seems larger (good). I worry he is not consuming enough calories to support his growth. He had lobster bisque last night full of cream (among other things)! 

This parenting gig ain’t a piece of cake but it is definitely just as sweet.  

