A show of the times

Episode VII

Eggsy enjoying a visit to his favorite Starbucks. Clearly, this child is BB-8. 

Finally saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Pretty excited going in, even more excited coming out. [Spoilers unavoidable, sorry.]

Though I find this latest installment of the Star Wars franchise enticing, some criticize the film for being derivative. I found it to be enjoyable, action packed, with strong female characters & good story/character development. 

First off, Rey is just a cool chick. She’s tough & has roots as a scavenger, making her resourceful. 

The plot resolves around Rey’s seemingly coincidental meeting with BB-8, Finn, Han Solo & Chewie in the fight to recover Luke Skywalker’s location, in an attempt to aid the Republic in restoring peace in the galaxies. 

I wanna talk fan theories & speculation. If Rey were Luke Skywalker’s daughter, would she not recognize him at the end when she restores Luke’s lightsaber to him?

When Rey’s family was taken away, she was of speaking age. Based on her verbal skills & how she looked in the scene (if that vision can even be trusted), she appears to be between five to seven. She should be able to recognize her father, know his name, & certainly know that Luke is indeed her father when she finds him on the island. 

Yet there is no indication whether or not Rey in fact recognizes Luke. She merely approaches, hands over the lightsaber, without an exchange of words. 

Two other Star Wars films will be released in the coming years. It is a long time to wait to see what happens next. 

In a Conan sketch with J.J. Abrams & Harrison Ford, a fan approaches with an obsure question. Han Solo destroys the model Millennium Falcon but still sarcastically offers his autograph on a broken piece. Signals that fans like to theorize & exaggerate because that’s part of the cinematic fun. 

Overanalysis is captivating. The possibilities are as wide as the galaxies. 

Many convenient coincidences in Episode VII. Like Han confirms of the Force, it is all real. 

Rey has the Force; it is awakened in her. As such, Luke is not the only Jedi left. The Jedi Order can be reestablished & the Republic could once again reign peacefully. The mega Death Star was destroyed but Kylo Ren was not killed. He was injured, bleeding quite profusely, but is still alive. His teenaged angst survives. Cool voice, bro but you don’t look villainous at all. 

One more thing: if Rey is in fact Luke’s daughter (my theory based on the fact that she has the Force, Luke’s lightsaber beckoned to her, her family is missing), then when Rey fights Ren, she is fighting her cousin. (Ren being Leia & Han’s son; Leia & Luke being twin siblings.) 

Or of course Rey could be Leia & Han’s daughter. Strange that both mom & dad could forget & leave their daughter in a junk planet. Huh. 

Also, where are the mothers? Who is Leia & Luke’s mom? Who is Rey’s mom? She states her family will return; not just her father. Much more story to be continued in Episodes VIII & IX. Can’t wait! 

A premovie attempt to find good halal. At Green Grocery Market in San Bruno. Delicious but no halal cart. The search continues. (We also snuck in Five Guys cheeseburgers into the movie. Best decision ever.)
