The big deal

Oh Brother

Turns out, you always look up at your big brother. At least I do. 

When I was little, I always wanted to hang out with him. Play with his toys. He always had the best stuff: GI Joe’s, Transformers, Ghostbusters gear. 

I watched my brother play Payday with ease. I always wanted to be a gamer but let’s be honest, not all dreams come into fruition. I’m Conan O’Brien on an edition on Clueless Gamer. I can live with it. 

But I live vicariously through him. To me, he’s the best. He is giving, caring, thoughtful & though he has a signature sigh, his humor is unmatched. Perhaps only by me & my sister. 

No matter what, I’ll always look up to my big bro. He might hate it when I call him bro. (Not really, but it’s respect for our mutual love for the movie “Face-Off”. Best movie ever.)

I pride myself with being pretty articulate with my feelings but with my bro, sometimes it’s not easy to express how much I really love & care for you. 

I’d take a bullet for you. (Please don’t shoot me.) I think you’re the best thing since sliced bread. (I really like bread, particularly the sliced variety.)

I love how excited you get when you talk about stuff you’re into. That what the world needs; people that are passionate. Surprisingly, there aren’t that many that speak with such vigor & knowledge. But those that do? That’s special. 

You’re easily one of the most brilliant people I know. It’s so awesome that you don’t seem to find me annoying like the way you did when we were kids. I know that was just a show for your friends, anyways. 

I am amazed but not surprised how you care for Eggsy with ease. You’re the only one who can carry baby for literally hours with no rest. No one else can. You wrangle car seats, squirmy legs & arms & teach baby about the world. Awesome uncle, you are. 

The great thing about siblings is that you gotta love ’em no matter what. Lucky for me, you make that pretty easy. Love you, bro. You’re one in a million. Super smart, talented & just an outstanding guy. Thanks for teaching me how to love guns & gratuitous violence. More importantly, thanks for showing me the way a big brother looks after his family & sisters. Our family is blessed by you. 


Your little sis 

