Baby loves egg puffs as much as mom does. A good mid-mall snack, baby can take whole bites of an egg puff himself, as he did yesterday.
He likes papaya & milk snow too. Basically a milkshake. No sugar, no tapioca. Health food?
At home we have organic oatmeal with whole milk, banana & egg. I’m glad baby gobbled this up. I think the sweetness from the fruit helps.
Baby’s version is extra milky. The grains tide us over until lunch. My version has peanut butter, chia seeds & nuts.
A little texture to start a good morning. I love the whole milk, full fat products baby has brought to our lives. It is great. We are full.
Lunch at Elephant Bar gives baby lots of food to play with. He has steak, green beans, chicken, mango, lettuce wraps, baked potato & more as part of his artistic palate (that he smeared across the table).
I feel more at ease with our nursing, having resolved to continue & to give baby as much mama milk as he wants.
A quote I stumbled across, paraphrased: “We have exactly enough time for all the important things.” The inverse: we don’t have time for things that are non-essential. Good thing is, we can identify & label those things are important.
Attempting to surround us with things that bring us joy, are useful & to clear of the clutter. The physical clutter is hard to clear. Perhaps the non-visual clutter is even tougher without a physical reminder of its being.
That’s the thing with maintenance, I suppose; it’s a continuous process. To maintain healthful, prosperous living requires care & tact.
Wishing for joy in all of our lives & the will to keep moving forward when life knocks back.
Another quote in a Times article I read: “Life is so beautiful. Life is so hard.”
It can be. May the beauty of life sustain us in hardship. May the hard times help us see life’s beauty.
I had a challenging night last night but look now, it’s a beautiful morning. I’ll rise to that.