What an adventure today! A mishap with a car key, pho (I had rice) with my fave, & the green eye monster appears.
I’m finding myself short tempered at times & easily frustrated. Perhaps it is the mommy gold standard: a desire to be a near perfect mother, all of the time. That doesn’t exist so I excuse myself gently & will try again with hopeful grace tomorrow.
My pork chop & pork skin rice dish (Kevin & Chris’ noodle house) today was awfully tasty. Meals with Calm are just that, calming. Thank you for being my friend.
The stormy weather kept us indoors but happy. New orchids to welcome a new year. Impromptu family dinners bring us together, fill us up & let us rest.
Baby delights at fresh blueberries bobbing in the water. What amazing progress, day by day. Not without bumps along the way, especially on his poor little head.
I discover my brother’s new bike & am majorly jelly. I promised my mom I wouldn’t get a motorcycle but apparently my brother didn’t make the same promise. I sense some parental sexism here. That’s okay; I don’t trust myself on two motorized wheels, especially with a wee one to protect.
The day’s crown jewel is homemade coconut gelatin with a layer of coco milk & coco juice below. This isn’t for lightweight coconut fans; this is the big league.
I almost was temporarily disheartened, as I always am after homework help with my niece. She is a flower: strong, resilient & lovely. Homework is challenging with language barriers, knowledge deficients (my part included) & distance issues. My aunt soldiers on & is the most remarkable of them all.
Education is paramount to stability & opportunity. The young ones, energetic & silly, are the most deserving of our resources, our time & energy. I hope we can focus on what’s important.
I read somewhere that we have a basic right to choose our own priorities. In that vein, we do not have to justify what we prioritize.
Motherhood is instilling a new brand of confidence. Inevitably there are doubts but overwhelmingly there is a sense of pride & of priority. I think it’s also called “the mama bear”.
I remember in my psych & law class so many years ago that confidence is not indicative of accuracy (for eye witnesses).*
Guess the lesson here is that a person may be confident but it does not guarantee a certain result. In the lines of parenthood, a little confidence goes a long way in assuaging the guilt one feels in making countless decisions for a small human’s safety & well being.
*Funny how an undergrad class made such an impression. Often times an eye witness may exclaim they are “100% confident” about what they may testify as eye witness testimony. This confidence however is not necessarily aligned with how accurate