Yesterday I watched my niece’s eyes flutter in the rearview mirror as she fought a late afternoon nap. Turns out that even for half-decade olds, the familiar flutter of eyelashes before sleep is the same as if she were still a little old.
Mine fights sleep all the time. In fact he has just succumbed to a nap now. Having recovered from a 24 hour fever, he is more attached to me than ever.
I read some parent’s account, how they are so busy that they cannot afford time to save a new number in their phone. Certainly not as dire over here, but phew, it is nonstop.
All day long the kid tries my patience. I’m trying to discipline via timeouts. Holding him in my lap to calm him. Mostly he squirms until we’re both a bit worn. Let me know if you have a better idea.
Life is pretty sweet. A lot of celebrations for rotations around the sun. Happy birthday to everyone!
Vegetarian food from Shangri-la. “Duck” & curry fried rice. I used to not eat meat. I don’t think I can go back now. I love veggies but meat is delicious (in moderation).
Babies grow fast. Even with books on top of my kid’s head, he be sproutin’. Celebrate every victory. Small ones, especially.