A blissful day celebrating Mother’s Day. Early dim sum from our usual & then straight away to the zoo.
The kiddies played & disco’d.
Funny how important family is. Sometimes you drive each other crazy & most days you just love hard.
Eggsy is becoming quite the force to be reckoned with. Gaining independence & spending time with others, we hardly connected all day except post-zoo for a little nursing sesh. I’m so grateful for this little boy & the iron fortified bond we share.
I’m pretty sure my mom taught me everything I know. Long time ago she said that I would be better than she. That is the nature of teaching.
That in turn, means my son will be better than I. Each generation forging forward to better our world.
This Mother’s Day, I am grateful for my mom, my Popo & all the mommies everywhere who keep the world turning.
There is no greater honor than to be a mother. Between the messiness of life & the sticky fingers, it’s pretty sweet. Hoping we all have moments to celebrate, laugh & play wildly.