

The sweet glimmer of life. Of powerful change. Novelty of travel (above: on the Hudson River, aboard the Hornblower). Of growth. Sublime. 

Eggsy has grown marvelously in our three weeks on the East Coast. New York feels like home & has our self-made family there. Our friends: we’ve missed you. 

I am a devout follower of self-improvement. I love that section of the bookstore. I love quotes, books & meditations on it. 

There are so many differences in everything. Lifestyles, parenting styles, or just plain styles. 

I want to live my best life. One that I can be proud of; one my child can be proud of for their parent. 

So it begins/continues. 

I remember a training that reminded the participants that these kinds of thoughts or aspirations are a luxury. I am not concerned for food, shelter or necessities & have the liberty to ponder these extraneous matters. 

I am grateful. My heart is full. 

Today I was losing it when my kid was exploring & doing his kid stuff. At the bakery, he self-selected & grabbed a bun as I was checking out. Humorous. I need the stroller. It is a tiny sactuary to contain the exuberant child.  

 Here he is, burning off some energy at the Dallas airport en route to home. 

Officially he has already upsurped my technological knowledge by using wireless headphones I’ve never operated before.  

 Look! Scallops on a ship! Eggsy likes ships, trains & planes. Food is so fun. Despite many imitators, Pinkberry is still my favorite fro-yo.  

 Look at this monstrosity. The top is honey milk ice cream. I like this creamy new flavor. I like tart yogurts but milk? Both child & I are a fan. Bottom is plain (fave). Fruit parfait means it’s healthy?

What a fun trip; kid’s got the tan to prove it. 
