Eggsy is a full blown toddler! Saturday he lost a shoe in the bay in Marin while dining waterfront at Salito’s. Luckily two kind kayakers rescued his shoe. Always an epic adventure.
When he sleeps, he sleeps good. Currently napping, allowing me a moment of calm. We’ve been sick. Upper respiratory infection for him & a cold for me. We’re recovering.
Soon we’ll be traveling again & we’re hoping to be happy & healthy when we go.
Yesterday he broke Popo’s glass during dinner. The night before he broke the glass candleholder at Cheesecake Factory. This kid & glass is not a good mix.
Basically 90% of parenting a toddler is cleaning up messes the kid doesn’t logically understand as a problem. C’est la vie.
A little raccoon at Corte Madera this weekend. Few nights prior, Eggsy reached for my hand & held it while he slept softly next to me. Basically the sweetest thing.
I read somewhere that taking care of yourself is taking care of your kids. I like that. It is the most exhausting thing, keeping up with a small, energetic person. We will allow ourselves to rest when we need to & to not feel guilty about it. Hope everyone gives themselves that space too.