
Hello holidays 

Let’s not pretend it’s not the holiday season. It’s here! I’m thrilled. So many exciting changes for us & all around us. 

We overcame some potentially difficult situations. Now in hindsight, moments of panic were just just feelings of overwhelm. Recovered now. 

Baby ain’t no baby no more! This is a full blown toddler. Eggsy is 23 months today. We are celebrating his 2nd birthday soon. We a little more space to celebrate in, we’re so happy to share with our family & friends. 

How grateful I am to everyone who has helped us in our journey. Hopefully we can adequately express our thanks now & onward. 

The Bay Area Discovery museum is quickly becoming Eggsy’s favorite hang out. The bean sprouts cafe leaves a little to be desired so this time, we brought our own In & Out burgers. Genius!

Our recent trip down south (Congrats Char & Fung!) brought us to downtown Disney where we got to try the delectable Earl of Sandwich. Worth the wait, worth the hype. Good stuff. So fun with friends exploring & eating lots of pho. 

So sorry to Apollo & his moms that we left abruptly since the kid fell ill. Stomach bugs are no joke. We got it too but recovered faster. Little guy didn’t eat solids for days. Painful to see. 

Feeling so optimistic about the future. Voted absentee & feeling hopeful. Funny how our experiences shape our vision for the tomorrow we hope for ourselves & our children. 

My yoga practice is on fire! Mom life requires balance & a sense of centering. Yoga gets me. Thank you Danielle, my guide. Praying my balance can be reflected in my son’s sense of stability & happiness. Thank you universe for your gifts. We won’t squander them. 
