Happy birthday Guang Guang! You’re as spirited as ever.
Family time at Kome for a buffet celebration. Guang happily chomped away as we continue to recover and regain strength from our caregiving roles.
Cannot believe the amount we can achieve with a group effort. Suddenly stronger, more efficient… and tired. Rest & recovery: necessary not just for the patient but for those that care, arrange & drive to support.
Somehow we have enough. Resources, time, energy (questionable some days). I remember saying to my supervising attorney once how amazing it was that our family lives were stable enough for us to devote our energy to advocating for others. I didn’t get a response in agreement. In fact, my family life wasn’t quite stable either; I was just trying to make myself feel better that I was so busy.
Well, staying at home continues to be the right choice, at least for now. A constant inquiry. As the needs of my child change, as does the needs of my family. We adjust and grow.
She’s getting stronger now. Her walk more fluid. Determined. Uphill battle. But climbable. I’m learning a lot.
Nevertheless, she persisted.