A darling weekend full of my smee. A surprise show at Berkeley’s Greek theatre starring the brilliant Regina Spektor. Thanks HB & Jeff for your planning, thoughtfulness & Jeff for being sick (sorry but thanks).
My sis & I loved the show despite it being outdoor, in the pouring rain. The ponchos saved the night. We stayed until the very end with Samson. Almost every seat was filled with devoted fans who similarly braved the rain until the end.
Nothing stirs the soul quite so powerfully as does live music. Especially from an artist long loved. I’ve seen Ms. Spektor at Outside Lands but that night, oh it was magical.
On Sunday, Smee & I enjoyed a romantic dinner at Foreign Cinema in the Mission. Thanks Yeester!
The beef carpaccio was so thin, literally spread across the plate like paint. Little potato chips help as a vessel to deliver the beef. Their fried chicken ain’t so bad either. A full sweetness with a honey glaze!
The shrimp & lobster beignets were the most unimpressive (& likely undercooked) dish of the night. Can’t win em all I suppose.
I sort of hate that I love foie gras. Painfully delicious. Rich, buttery & with an apple compote? Makes me hungry now.
In other news, Eggsy is back in round two of swim classes. Geared toward the U.S. swim team, naturally. He greets the pool with an enthusiastic “Yaaaayyyy!” upon entry. Such joy is contagious.
I’m learning about Parenting Traps & methods of coping in my own class. Parents often revert to the ways they were parented as children as their default. I’m understanding that what you say/call your children can have a lasting and potentially damaging impact on a child.
So, I resolve to strive to be a better person overall, to exhibit control over my emotions, responses & to embody kindness & gratitude so my kid can have a positive role model.
Also in thought switching, an active process to change the “hot thoughts” that first come to mind that may blame a child for their behavior, considers what other factors that might contribute to “misbehavior”. Often tiredness and hunger are to blame. I know hanger (so hungry you’re angry) is a real thing. So feed the kid, let him rest & be gentle when he is asking for attention even if the way he asks for it isn’t pretty.
Here he is, misunderstanding the use of cornhole toss game. He loves farmer’s markets as much as I do. Unfortunately we haven’t found one that can rival Hawaii’s markets. At least we can have kettle corn.
Grateful to spend time with my little sister who is increasingly impressive in all the ways she learns & teaches. We are blessed. May we always know it.