New Beginnings


Our little family of three will soon be four, come the new year! February to be exact. We’re overjoyed. 

Lots has happened lately. Eggsy is now more energetic than ever. I am very tired. Luckily, he’ll be starting school soon(!) so hopefully his energy will be well used. 

Eggsy is also finally weaned! A big deal. Some anxiousness over how the process would go but after some initial push back, all went smoothly.   

Here he is, insisting on a moment of peace while he enjoys his ice cream. A delightful child, slowly driving his mother crazy. 

On lazy weekends, without any plans, often leads us to Little Lucca where delicious sandwiches can be had with just a 48 minute wait. Tiny shop, big sandwiches. Double beef with avocado on wheat. 

Coming close to the end of the first trimester hopefully means less (or no more!) nausea & fatigue. It’s been a rough ride but as Eggsy reminds me, the end result is well worth it. 

Here’s to hoping for a smooth journey for the rest of this pregnancy! Fingers crossed that two littles won’t drive me up the wall! 

This guy is crazy! His “see food” pic:

Thank goodness for grandparents, friends & family who help to keep us grounded. We are the lucky ones! 
