Let me tell you about my son. He is already highly skilled in a number of areas. Sleeping. Eating. Uh, pooping. He can even “talk”. (Actually, he has yet to utter a single English word but whenever he makes any sound at all, all kid-experienced people say he’s “talking”. I’ll take their word for it. Get it? Word?! Ha! I digress.)
He is the single most darling being I have ever laid eyes on. I’m sure all parents are like, my baby’s the cutest but mine, well, he actually is.
And he has the sweetest temperament. I know this because again, people tell me so. My mom had declared that out of all her children, this little guy is the BEST BEHAVED. I mean I’m kind of jealous he got ranked in the same tier as me, but whatever, now’s not the time for pettiness.
At writing, my little darling is 2 months & 5 days old. He’s a hefty 12.8 pounds & 22.5 inches long. Charming, isn’t it? I guess since babies don’t do a whole lot, parents & doctors are always comparing their “stats”. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be a doctor & he’ll go to Stanford or some other exquisite educational institution.
Oh god, I’ve become my mother. That’s okay because my mother is awesome. Plus, she wants little baby to be a doctor too.
One little morsel: at bath time, he farted in the water. I think he stunned himself. And that’s how I fell in love.