Achy Breaky


You are so brave and quiet, I forget you are suffering. –Ernest Hemingway  I am melancholy. Just for a moment. When I ask you, how are you? You say you are fine. Any problems? No. The answers are soothing in a way but are sad. Because perhaps you don’t know how to say “I need help”. You are so brave. And I am worried about the future. I try to plan. Preparation soothes me. But…


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Achy Breaky

Be happy now

Oh the achiness of change. In the season of growth, transition & life in general, I’m struggling to be happy now.  And I am.  There are so many moments, sometimes overwhelming, that trip us up.  I’m learning to be humble, to stretch a bit in capacity, with my roots grounded.  It is a tireless work to provide. A mother’s nurturing is endless. I see now my mother’s own ability to love freely, generously.  My child…


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Achy Breaky


A poor turn of events has led our little family in sickville. Baby is slightly feverish. This is not ideal timing for his first birthday & party.  Gotta rest up! He is doing so laying across my torso.  Thanksgiving was a hoot! We had such a good time, drinking a bit & eating so much. I proudly was the last one at the table finishing off the green beans myself.  I proposed to my family…


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Achy Breaky


Poor babe had a fever last night. Ain’t nobody happy when baby is sick.  Luckily, team Mom & Dad are well equipped & expertly dosed him with infant Tylenol (which he mostly spit out). This morning, he’s running warm but not in fever territory. I spied a little upper tooth wanting to make an appearance! Both a horray & a little sadness over his (wonderful) inevitable growth.    You were all smiles earlier before we…


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Achy Breaky


PC: ST Last night I had the delectable experience of eating frozen cheesecake.  Turns out, I really, really like this.  I like how the richness of the cheesecake is intensified with chucks of icy, creamy goodness.  I eat it layer by layer, until it’s all gone.  In other news, praying for Paris. Unimaginable: the plight terror brings. Praying for families, praying for recovery, praying for unity. 


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Achy Breaky

The sickness

The kid is sick. I’m on the upswing & he got the hot, hot heat. A fever (non-musical).  Ain’t nobody happy when the baby is sick. A Sunday night fever of 101, fussiness & infant Tylenol it is.  I think it’s the nervous new parent in me to overly worry & fuss over his, well, fussiness.  Saw a comic of how parents react to a baby: “Help him, he sneezed!” Later, as a toddler, a…


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Achy Breaky


The day before yesterday was a hard day. It was Popo’s three year death anniversary.  I felt a strange aura. We visited Popo & brought baby to meet his great grandmother. We let her know that he is a silly, happy, healthy little boy. She smiled upon us.  It was also HB’s uncle’s funeral yesterday. May his soul rest in paradise evermore.  Amid exciting news for our other loved ones, I think of Popo often…


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Achy Breaky


They weren’t kidding when they said it takes a village.  Baby is throwing us another curve ball. Two little emerging bottom teeth are threatening their appearance & it has made him a drooly, crazed wee one.  He is darling through this. But he has also developed hobbies such as biting & hair pulling. He certainly does not fight clean.  I am pooling resources, taking helpful family’s assistance when available & cherishing the sisterhood of motherhood.…


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