Baby firsts

Let it snow

The holidays are over but we’ve just had our fill of the snow. Eggsy’s first trip to Lake Tahoe yielded a curious & happy baby.  We went with friends on a four day trip to the snow. Our cabin was warm & welcoming. We’re so very lucky to have baby-friendly friends who help keep an eye out!  A definite trip highlight were these delightfully delicious spring rolls in Sac. A different crunch with a fried…


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Baby firsts

The steps awakens

Baby is walking! Well, sort of.  He took two momentous steps tonight. He can stand up without an assist & take steps, if motivated.  Watching this kid grow is freaking amazing! Tonight I put his Lego dog on the table with an exaggerated woof & he copied, down to the bounce & the bark (both of his small human body & his plastic dog counterpart). He takes objects & talks into them, clearly a recipient…


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Baby firsts


Baby’s first Halloween was a reminder that baby don’t care! We took Miss May & Eggsy to the mall to do some trick or treating.  Eggsy’s lion costume was too hot so he was stripped. May didn’t much like being a ladybug & refused to wear her costume too.    She did however want to sit in the baby’s stroller. C’est la vie.  It was a little bit of a roller coaster, getting the kiddies…


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Baby firsts

Smity’s best

We’ve arrived to the land of flannel! We’re exploring the International district & beyond. Mostly we’re napping & eating.  The kid handled the flight like a champ. Didn’t cry once. Didn’t like to nurse during takeoff & landing so munched on cereal instead. (His ped recommended feeding to alleviate the change in air pressure.) On our first night, we found night dim sum & had a huge dessert waffle!  Seattlians mean business around here! Blueberries…


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Baby firsts

Pumpkin pick

Baby visits his first pumpkin patch! At Grandpa Kevin’s pumpkin patch, baby got to see lots of friends (minions, Woody, Buzz, & more) while feasting his little eyes on pumpkins galore.  Honestly, Eggsy was mostly indifferent. It was very cold. I offered baby a selection of appropriately sized pumpkins & he had his pick.     He promptly dropped said pumpkin repeatedly until his pumpkin privileges were revoked.     Here we are hanging out with the…


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Baby firsts

Too cool for school

For now. Eggsy is newly nine months & thoughts of preschool are looming overhead. We attended a preschool preview night & here’s what I learned: Preschool applications are a somewhat competitive process.  The child’s fit for the school is probably one of the biggest factors in admission.  Recommended to apply for 3-4 schools (with upwards of 8 schools) & to tour 10-20 before applying.  Location & managability of program (part versus full time) should be…


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Baby firsts

Share with strangers

Yesterday was a lot of firsts for baby. He hopped on the train for the first time & was startled by the rocking.  We visited the Exploratorium at pier 15! Most exhibits went over Eggsy’s head, literally. He was marginally amused by lights & color. Mostly, we visited the restrooms & sat where we could.    Rocking chairs along a corridor are fit for a nursing baby. Only thrice attempts to feed baby were futile. …


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Baby firsts

Lucky number seven

Happy seven months to my silly, smiley, snuggly little Eggsy.  He is getting to be not so little. Break your mama’s back! After all the Magic Mike fiasco last night, we had a slow morning rising.  Baby had pho for the first time. Pho ga for the win! A touch of tofu too for firsts.  The day ended with Eggsy having sushi for the first time. He had unagi! Some sushi rice & tamago later,…


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Baby firsts


After much anticipation, Eggsy makes his water debut! A wonderful day at auntie Rhon Rhon & uncle Allen’s. Luckily, baby Z generously shared his crab floaty so Eggsy could get acclimated.  A beautiful sunny day in South San Francisco.  The night before we carboloaded on ramen & sushi. It was national sushi day after all.   Sawaii Ramen was packed as per usual. Crowded & noisy place=takeout for us.   Spicy tonkatsu ramen with extra…


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Baby firsts

The big sipper

Baby drank from a straw tonight! Mostly it was backwash but hey, he sucked & water came up. Pretty awesome.  Last night we had homemade pork cutlet.   It was the old days in law school where we had the deep fryer. Both a blessing & a curse.  Had some Boston Market for lunch. Half a chicken. Whoo wee, a party.    A little QT with Carolyne before she takes flight once more. Some creamy…


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