Drinks, snacks & beyond

Egg puffies

Baby loves egg puffs as much as mom does. A good mid-mall snack, baby can take whole bites of an egg puff himself, as he did yesterday.   He likes papaya & milk snow too. Basically a milkshake. No sugar, no tapioca. Health food?  At home we have organic oatmeal with whole milk, banana & egg. I’m glad baby gobbled this up. I think the sweetness from the fruit helps.    Baby’s version is extra milky.…


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

Weather under

Little sister having a preflight snack at Eggettes. I don’t think Eggettes has the best drinks but their snack menu is my favorite. Rice rolls, imitation shark fin soup, & of course, dear eggettes.  Baby has gotten sick a few times his first year. An article informs me that an one year old has 60% of the immune system of an adult.  I’m currently recovering from a mild cold. Enough to make me miss Girls…


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

All in a day’s work

Loads of goodies today. At Earthbar, we discovered their muscle up shake, a supposed meal replacement with almond butter, protein powder & the like.  We drink it like a regular drink however. Not for muscle gain, just for kicks.  Pretty tasty little bugger. Thick texture & satisfying. I’d drink this all the time but then I’d just bulk up–not a good look for me. It happened before when I started protein shakes in the…


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

Emmy’s Homecoming

A sweet visit from auntie & godmommy Emmy, leads baby bao to (almost) taste his first egg puff.  Mom is no stranger to the egg puff universe. Notably, Quickly uses a thicker batter than most places, lending itself to a rich, dense cake of an egg puff.  Baby seems not so interested as he seems to hold his breath when we try to give him a whiff.   Drinks at Quickly are satisfying; papaya…


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

Sweets before dinner

Okay it was really after lunch. Like literally leave the restaurant post-lunch & wait for Creations to open for dessert.  Life is so good.  Baby had the house made ice cream: coconut & papaya with mochi. Fresh fruit.   Mom had the sweet milk butter toast & coconut, mango, aloe drink.   Life is really awesome. Especially when I eat super good food. I love snacks!


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

A walk in the park

Turns into an adventure for a snack. What’s new? We didn’t actually make it to the park. We were across the street from it. But a detour took us sniffing for something for the belly.  Ah, Crepe Temptations. And tempting you are. I opted for the savory Philly cheesesteak crepe in honor of my BFF’s upcoming nuptials. Congrats AC! The 15 minute wait was sort of worth it. It was filled with meat, cheese, onions…


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

Dinosaur snackin’

On the way to baby’s future college, we stopped for some great noms at Dinosaur. Baby slept, very typical.  They aren’t out of bread today so we order our favorite shaking beef sandwich. I like the avocado milkshake but today ventured to try their mango lychee shake with mint. A tad too sweet for my liking but refreshing nonetheless.   Baby approves of this tropical drink.  The sandwich, as usual, did not disappoint. It’s…


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

Tea time

Welcome to my favorite San Franciscan dessert spot. Creations has a wide menu of snacks, sweets & drinks. Today I’m here for a substantial snack so I load up on their ham & egg sandwich, chicken wings, mango mochi, homemade coconut ice cream with more mochi, fresh fruit, eggettes, & lemon tea. That’s my post-lunch/pre-dinner snack. I know, I’m kind of a boss. Baby just looks on in bewilderment. I think he’s proud of me.…


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Drinks, snacks & beyond

Green smiles

Taking a stroll around Golden Gate Park as baby sleeps through the green scenery. Of course my endgame is a snack. I like to get the wheat spinach square at Starbucks as often as possible. It’s a buttery croissant square that is the perfect mid-walk snack. Even if the walk is just to get one. Today they are out so the second best is the ham & cheese square. The passion ice tea is a…


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