New mom stuff

The struggle is real

Kid has been sick for two weeks now. Quarantined. All his adults got sick too.  Finally things are looking up. Basically all our plans have been foiled.  That is okay.  I’m trying to be cool. Making any appointment takes superior effort. Good thing my friends & family are understanding.  The little monkey is attached at the hip (my hip). New surroundings require adjustment (understandably).  New kindness & gentleness, especially for parents, because this is challenging,…


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New mom stuff

Water is life

Tonight’s reintroduction back into yoga life was amid the Phillipine coral reef. Nightlife at Cal Academy breathed new life into me.  Initially, motherhood wore me down. Exhausted & out of the fitness loop, I felt drained.  Now? Well, now I feel stronger than ever. I’ve always been a do all or do practically nothing type. Don’t know what this says about my personality. There is a time to rest & a time to rise.  Turns…


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New mom stuff

Sweet 16

A touch late but baby is 16 months now. Incredible.  He is active as ever. Not quite responsive to instruction yet. He gleefully explores & plays. His energy is contagious. This time is fun yet exhausting. This phase is challenging. We are worn out.  Then he smiles at us & we melt.    Sundaes are really for the grown ups. He dove in & got a face full of whipped cream. Like MF said: every food…


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New mom stuff

Head space

I can’t sleep. I need to do a mental dump to clear my head. Sorry in advance.  I saw a picture online of a starving 2 year old child in Nigeria who was left to die by his parents because he was a “witch”. I don’t know why I’m online at 3 a.m. but I am & I am disturbed.  This child looks like my baby. His large head & cute toddler exterior. Famished. Apparently…


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New mom stuff

Growth spurt

Abound with opportunity to grow. Today was such an opportunity when family politics allowed a chance to reflect on short & long term goals.  Certainly we cannot control the actions & thoughts of anyone but ourselves. I felt overwhelmed, assaulted & vulnerable. Only for a moment though. Some time has passed & I feel like I’m afforded a chance to learn.  Some choose to have a view of world versus them, no matter the bounty…


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New mom stuff

The Purge

“I do believe in simplicity. It is astonishing as well as sad how many trivial affairs even the wisest thinks he must attend to in a day; how singular an affair he thinks he must omit. When the mathematician would solve a difficult problem, he first frees the equation of all encumbrances, and reduces it to its simplest terms. So simplify the problem of life, distinguish the necessary and the real. Probe the earth to…


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New mom stuff

Home room

Since coming down with a cold, me & the babe have been home plenty. It’s quite nice.  Last night we took a little adventure out & come home with some yummy things to enjoy at home. We had clams, chicken salad, broccolini & rack of lamb. What an exciting night for us.   Baby didn’t have any lamb since it wasn’t fully cooked. Sadly he didn’t even get to have any pumpkin mousse either.  …


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New mom stuff

Calling in sick

Can’t really do that when your tiny boss has no boundaries & still has relentless needs to be met.  Luckily things are in the upswing now. Being sick for even two days is a big deal in kidland.  This morning, the little dude was snoozing right along, looking angelic. 10 months in & our schedule is feeling normal. Still can’t believe we get to keep him.   Here he is, prebuffet, with his lion’s bib…


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New mom stuff


I’ve done it now. I’ve done lost my marbles.  I sent HB to pick up food at the wrong place because I ordered at, uh, the wrong place. Kingdom of Dumpling is not King of Noodle.  I literally set something down for a second & forget what I was doing.  Baby brain, mom brain… I am a chronic sufferer of this condition.  Articles indicate that a new mother’s brain is rewired for the new duties…


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New mom stuff

Canada hates babies

Okay maybe hate is a strong word.  Today we got up at 3am to catch our 6:30am flight to Vancouver to discover the information from the U.S. Dept of State stating babies can travel to & from Canada with a birth certificate, sans passport, is misleading.  The Canadian consulate begs to differ. Baby & I didn’t get on board but instead shuttled our packed bags, car seat, & stroller home.   Eggsy was in a…


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