
The big cheese

Here is a cheese worth writing home for: Saint Andre French triple cream cheese is to die for.  Eggsy and I stand in the kitchen eating chunks at a time. It’s melty, rich & delicious all by itself.  Three cheers for my newfound favorite.  In other news, parenting proves to be continually challenging. In my parenting class, I rate my child’s behavior the previous week & gave him a stunning 9 out of 10. Unheard…


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Sam food

She’s back! Welcome home sister.    Let’s start backwards. Panna cotta with buckwheat crumble. We ended up at Cassava after exploring the Academy of Sciences.  The four course tasting menu was mouth watering in what may be one of my favorite places in the Richmond. I love brunch here & dinner is quite a treat.    The pork belly was so succulent. Eggsy loved it’s tenderness. The purple potato foam was a nice contrast to the…


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Sky limit

Welcomed & said goodbye to our dear Ileana, visiting from Chi town. We ate around town & saw the sights.  Baby was cooperative in being a mini tour guide.  Our first dinner at Luna Rossa was charming. A tiny Italian restaurant, tucked away in the Richmond.    I love discovering new gems right under our noses. It felt like we were in another world though we were just down the block from My Favorite Cafe,…


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Take out from Tazaki Sushi, our replacement for our beloved Yum Yum. They have a packed house on a Wednesday. The food is good but it’s not Yum Yum. My heart sinks for the long standing sushi restaurant, now closed.    Baby hasn’t quite perfected the art of pizza eating yet. At Pizza My Heart, the kid has toppings & crust but not much pie. We’ll work on it.    We finally try Pokeatery in San…


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Hunger pains & poke

Kid is extended napping now. It is 9 p.m. We haven’t had dinner. Please don’t call CPS.  He had been snacking with grandma all day. Nursing currently. I’ve weakly attempted to wake him for dinner. A few more minutes… I’ve been having a lot of poke lately. Finally Poki Time is open!  It doesn’t disappoint. No scallops though. The fish is fresh, origins are revealed & the Bubbies is a dream come true.    Baby…


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Crazy is, crazy does

What an adventure today! A mishap with a car key, pho (I had rice) with my fave, & the green eye monster appears.  I’m finding myself short tempered at times & easily frustrated. Perhaps it is the mommy gold standard: a desire to be a near perfect mother, all of the time. That doesn’t exist so I excuse myself gently & will try again with hopeful grace tomorrow.    My pork chop & pork skin rice…


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Bon voyage Smity!

And there she goes again. A short trip home & little sister is off once more. A short but very sweet trip home. Thanks for dealing with all of us; I know we are all clamoring for your time.  We gather for a preflight meal at Tai Wu in Millbrae. We get jook, a crispy noodle with fish & veggies & lots of dim sum.    The food seems extra yummy this time. Maybe it…


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Loving kindness matters.  May you be happy.  May you be safe from harm.  May you be healthy.  May you live with ease.  — mediation  I repeat these words often. When I brush my teeth, when I’m looking into the empty space. I wish good intentions to my neighbor, my child, the person I walked past as I picked up dinner.  A sick child is a worrisome thing. Especially for new, inexperienced parents. Baby’s fever ebb…


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Peter Pan

When my sister was little, she had a crush on a little boy named Peter.  Today we tried Super Pan. The pepper beef sizzles. We have fond memories of Pepper lunch in Japan so we go here.  This place is okay. A little more pepper & salt help it. Double the beef with half the rice would make us happier.  Baby had rice, a little sauce & little pieces of beef.  The dessert was quite…


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Too hot to trot

Ever ambitious, I was so tempted by Oriental Kitchen’s atomic challenge. Good thing I reeled back because one piece of the second tier Maui Volcano roll had me hurtin’.  The roll consisted of spicy tuna & pineapple. Nothing too strange there. The Maui volcano sauce is the doozy.  That mess is hot (for me).  Conquerors of the 4 levels of heat get their picture on the wall. I don’t know why I thought I could…


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