The little things

The struggle is real

A lot of heart heavy work lately. Caring for others takes a lot out of you.  Yet, I’m gently reminded it’s cyclical. We’ll cycle through this, like we did that, and we will be okay.  Don’t frustrate. Rest & come back. The captivity of negativity is entrancing. We’re stronger though.  Prayers for auntie while she heals. Eggsy, continue to build your immunity & battle your virus(es).  My friends & family in good & bad times,…


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The little things

Full moon 

Eggsy is a full blown toddler! Saturday he lost a shoe in the bay in Marin while dining waterfront at Salito’s. Luckily two kind kayakers rescued his shoe. Always an epic adventure.  When he sleeps, he sleeps good. Currently napping, allowing me a moment of calm. We’ve been sick. Upper respiratory infection for him & a cold for me. We’re recovering.  Soon we’ll be traveling again & we’re hoping to be happy & healthy when…


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The little things


Days with less support & not child friendly structures are challenging. Today was such a day.  Good dim sum with my dad in South City but the day was surprisingly warm for a bundled up tot. Instead of strolling, I carried the 22 pounder almost all day in the 88 degree heat. Bad choice.  You know you’re a parent when you bring the kid into the target bathroom with you & hold him the whole…


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The little things

The lunar year

Happy lunar new year! Now the year of the monkey brings wishes of good health & prosperity.  We broke tradition by cleaning & bathing baby today. Instead of fearing we were washing away our good luck, we welcomed the change of the new year.  Plus baby needed that bath.  Gone are the days where Eggsy would nurse 0-3 hours. And be relatively still. Now nursing sessions are short & quite aerobic (for him, not me).…


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The little things

Inappropriate love

I really love these kale scones Romy brought over. Really love.  Eggsy & I shared one over breakfast & I’m pretty sure it’s one of the best things either of us have eaten in our lifetimes.  It’s a remarkable thing, to eat something so delicious, seemingly simple but so meaningful.  Like my two decade, nearly two years long friendship with Romy, this scone is perfection.  Love you girl. Can’t wait for our tea party soon.…


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The little things


I can’t sleep. Apparently, I haven’t slept (well) in over a year. A foot in the face, his small now-toddler body edging me off the bed, his incessant nursing (my fault, admittedly)… But! A fond 5am realization! This kid is my BAE! In this whole world, filled with so many people I adore & love. He is one that comes before any other.  Sometimes I love a dish or a meal a lot. But even…


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The little things

Life goals

I live for the snack. I love to graze & still eat large meals. It’s basically my specialty. Life skill, if you will.  Tonight, or this morning rather, it’s 4am & I’m debating if I should have a snack. Usually it’s an unequivocal yes, but I have a new dilemma.  I started Invisalign a month ago. It’s really hindering my snacking. Perhaps for the proactive brusher or the one that doesn’t worry about cavities, it’s…


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The little things


When I am am silent, I have thunder hidden inside.  -Rumi I have a fear. A fear that I will become static, undeveloped & frozen. I will not be me.  I don’t worry much about this fear though. A continued interest in self development keeps me fresh, alive.  I ponder about our sleep choices for baby. Is our decision to co-sleep a healthy one? Does it serve baby’s development, attachment, & growth the best?  Our…


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The little things

Gearing up

Time to get ready! It’s almost Eggsy’s first birthday! We’re so excited about it.  We’ve got lots of ideas & we have to put things into action soon. The holidays have got me in great spirits!  Yesterday, we serendipitously found baby’s first dentist. Perfect for those two teeth. Sometimes things fall together so nicely.  Of course, sometimes things fall apart so disasterously too. Never mind that.  We had tea with our lovely friend Kristin & had…


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The little things

May’s wish list

Reflecting from yesterday’s meeting, I realize May could use a lot of tools to help her learn & grow. Here’s her (educational) wish list: iPad. I know, that’s big. Kids these days are stuck on their parents’ phone & iPads. May doesn’t get to be stuck on one because she doesn’t have one. All the teachers & therapists are convinced that a computer or an iPad could greatly assist May in watching educational videos &…


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