The little things

Full moon 

Eggsy is a full blown toddler! Saturday he lost a shoe in the bay in Marin while dining waterfront at Salito’s. Luckily two kind kayakers rescued his shoe. Always an epic adventure.  When he sleeps, he sleeps good. Currently napping, allowing me a moment of calm. We’ve been sick. Upper respiratory infection for him & a cold for me. We’re recovering.  Soon we’ll be traveling again & we’re hoping to be happy & healthy when…


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My mother 

Happy birthday to my sweet mother. You’ve taught me everything.  I wish I had the words to convey my love, gratitude & appreciation for you. I will always try.  Somehow, I got so lucky. My mom is the best.  She is a fighter. That is the best kind of happiness: the weathered kind. She’s been through it all & she smiles, laughs & plays everyday.  May she feel the warmth of love around her. Family…


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The sweet glimmer of life. Of powerful change. Novelty of travel (above: on the Hudson River, aboard the Hornblower). Of growth. Sublime.  Eggsy has grown marvelously in our three weeks on the East Coast. New York feels like home & has our self-made family there. Our friends: we’ve missed you.  I am a devout follower of self-improvement. I love that section of the bookstore. I love quotes, books & meditations on it.  There are so…


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Bright times

Ash’s & Bobby’s wedding was fantastic. Ash was on fire & hardly a bridezilla. The food at Justin’s grill was good.  The rehearsal at Dinosaur was bomb.    All the girls had a blast together. Every one is lovely & fun.  We’re finally en route to NYC & the tragedy in Orlando makes my heart ache. Knowing my son is learning about this world & shares in spaces that can become vunerable, how can I…


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The big deal


Tomorrow’s the big day! My BFF gets hitched! I’m giddy with excitement.  We’ve been in New York for a week & a half. It’s been busy. With food. And good friends. We like it here.  I think this is the most excited I’ve been about a wedding. Of course weddings are fun but when it’s your bestie, it’s a big deal. She’s the most chill bride ever too. Double awesome.    Wishing the bride the…


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Mama’s back!

Found this little gem (sheep’s milk yogurt) at the co-op on Judah. Delightfully sour!  By mama, I mean me.  Like back in the game. A metaphor I guess.  I’m feeling great, people. Rejuvenated! Had a minor bout of negativity & felt weighed down by all the stuff one has to do. More importantly, pensive about the intense way mental disorder pulls apart a person’s life & how to be restorative (or not).  Good news about…


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The little things


Days with less support & not child friendly structures are challenging. Today was such a day.  Good dim sum with my dad in South City but the day was surprisingly warm for a bundled up tot. Instead of strolling, I carried the 22 pounder almost all day in the 88 degree heat. Bad choice.  You know you’re a parent when you bring the kid into the target bathroom with you & hold him the whole…


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Tonight I think I was a victim of a hate crime. As I was leaving the gym, a Cauasian male in his mid-twenties spit at the back of my head. I turned in disbelief & faced him saying, hey you spit on me. He apologized profusely as he walked away. He was about 5 steps ahead of me when he yelled, “f*cking [n-word], I’ll cut you.” What was that about? Three passerbyers asked me if…


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The big deal

Gracias Madre

A blissful day celebrating Mother’s Day. Early dim sum from our usual & then straight away to the zoo.  The kiddies played & disco’d.  Funny how important family is. Sometimes you drive each other crazy & most days you just love hard.  Eggsy is becoming quite the force to be reckoned with. Gaining independence & spending time with others, we hardly connected all day except post-zoo for a little nursing sesh. I’m so grateful for…


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Life of a little

I read an eye opening article about what it’s like through the eyes of a little one.  I hadn’t stop to think lately about how hard it is for a young child who’s decisions are mostly all made for them & to have their adults frustrated at them when things don’t go according to plan.  I’m working on being more flexible & able to see things from another’s perspective.  In a whole different vein, how…


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