Mom hack

Baby eat, You eat

Everyone tells new moms: Baby sleep, you sleep. I don’t think sleeping when baby is is always practical. But what about the mommy’s grumbling tummy? We have time for things that are important to us. To me, eating at least three meals & two to three substantial snacks per day is important. Especially now that I’m breastfeeding? Boy, I really can’t afford to miss a meal. Moms know, you need the extra calories because you…


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New mom stuff

Hunger now

I am hungry. But baby is too. He eats first. So I wait. Wait until he is finished, burped, & has a decently clean diaper before my own hunt can begin. The whole child rearing this is pretty primal. We eat, sleep, poop. It’s more or less variations of this same theme. It’s kind of cool how babies are all about having their needs met, no more, no less. Done eating? Immediate stop. My baby…


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